
    Company Culture

    As a listed company, generating value for shareholders and customers is Jereh's aim. Our values are expected behaviors, anchored in our beliefs and priorities. They guide us to conduct the business in responsible and sustainable ways and enable us to be a trusted partner to our customers.

    Our Vision

    Focus on customer needs

    Jereh exists only to serve customers. To survive, we must create value for customers by satisfying their needs.

    Value employee dedication

    Only dedicated employees can distinguish Jereh from the competition. They are our best asset, so we value their contributions and reward them accordingly.

    Continuously improving to be the best

    As change occurs, so should our ideas. Usually what defeats a company is an internal, rather than an external force. Apathy, complacency, and numbness within the workforce can only lead to failure. Continuous improvement in an open manner assures Jereh more risk-conscious and innovative.
